Our Kinder Program
Kookaburra Room
At Songbird ELC, we are committed to ensuring that the needs and desires of our community are heard and valued. We have chosen to provide a play based kindergarten program for those children who are eligible. The program is delivered by a VIT registered Early Childhood Teacher (ECT) and ensures that all children are catered for in a positive environment that is safe and secure. Our kinder room is an integrated mixed aged kinder and will run 5 days per week.
The Kookaburra room learning environment provides children the chance to engage in small and large group learning, and share thoughts, feelings and ideas with their peers. In conjunction with working in the social realm we recognise that each child is different and brings their own interests, knowledge and skills, and that the environment and experiences should engage the senses, stimulate curiosity, and encourage active exploration.
Our program operates using units of inquiry. We follow the children’s interests in each topic and allow them to guide the process of learning. The transition from kindergarten to school can be quite overwhelming for children and families. Throughout the year we aim to prepare children to make a positive, smooth transition to school.
From 2022, the Government introduced the 3-year-old kindergarten funding, the benefits of your child accessing two years of funded kindergarten with an ECT is extensive, please refer to the pdf https://www.education.vic.gov.au/Documents/childhood/professionals/profdev/two-years-of-quality-kindergarten-evidence-fact-sheet.pdf
Questions & Answers
We understand and appreciate that this process can be rather daunting for parents as there is a lot to absorb, plus it may be your first time that you are starting to consider your child’s learning journey, here are a few questions Q&A’s that we hope can assist.
What do you mean by funded?
For each child enrolled in the kindergarten program we receive funding. This funding goes to employing a qualified teacher at Songbird ELC. Our kindergarten program will be run by VIT registered teacher who has a Bachelor in Early Childhood Teaching.
How do I get my child funding?
There is nothing you need to do at your end, we apply for the funding on your behalf and the Centre is paid directly from the Department of Education & Training (DET). However, for the Centre to be able to receive the funding on your behalf your child is not able to attend another sessional or Integrated program elsewhere. The funding is money that the Centre receives for the enrolment, it goes to the cost of the teacher and the additional resources required to run the program. Parents do not receive the funding nor does it come off the cost of the daily fees, this is a direct contribution to resources within the kinder program.
What does integrated mean?
Integrated means that the kindergarten is integrated into the long day care program. The kindergarten program runs for 5 hours per day 9.15 – 2.15, 40 weeks of the year.
Why choose an Integrated Long Day Kinder?
Integrated long day kinder provides numerous benefits for both children and their families:
1. Our program integrates early learning and care, combining the educational curriculum of kindergarten with the nurturing environment of long day care. This holistic approach supports al areas of a child’s development, including cognitive, social, emotional and physical growth.
2. The benefit of consistent daily routine, ensuring a sense of belonging which helps them feel secure and supports their emotional and social development.
3. Our program includes nutritious meals and snacks.
4. Excursions/Incursions included in fees.
5. Increased access to other educators that are known to the children.
6. Convenient for working parents as this provides flexible drop off and pick up times.
7. Child can attend more days than minimum required and therefore will have longer access to the ECT with a learning plan that is specifically designed for the child.
So how much do I pay?
The funding we receive goes directly to employing an ECT, additional resources required to provide a funded program and incursions/excursions that are being planned. All you pay is the gap between the daily fee and the CCS as you do with your daycare fees. Incursions and excursions will be funded by the kindergarten funding each term.
What is mixed age grouping?
Mixed age is a model for preschoolers that allows children to be grouped of diverse ages ranging between 3 and 6. It offers unique opportunities for learning and growth.
Do I want my child to learn with different age groups?
The benefits of mixed age group kinder is extensive, however some of the most valuable skills learnt are:
• Enhances children’s social, intellectual and emotional development
• Early childhood Learning environments are specifically designed to meet the diverse intellectual needs of the group
• Older children learn patience, leadership skills, tolerance of others, empathy and cooperation.
• Younger children learn accepted social behaviours, including how to cooperate and view their peers as role models.
• Allows continuity of the educational program for the child.
• Financial benefits for services with low enrolments
• Offers the children an enriched, well rounded and child-based curriculum that fosters independence, empathy and cooperation.
Please find more information on benefits of mixed age through this link https://www.education.vic.gov.au/Documents/childhood/professionals/support/Ratiotipsheet6.pdf
What are minimum attendance requirements and eligibility requirements?
At Songbird ELC, both 3-year-old and 4-year-old kindergarten must attend 15 hours of funded kinder per week, therefore under our structure, they must attend a minimum of 3 days per week. They must be 3-year-old prior to 30th April 2025 to be eligible for the kindergarten program.
What if my child attends more than minimum attendance requirements?
They will be included in the Kookaburra room for all attendance. This would be advantageous for children to attend more as they would be able to extend their learning experiences.
Can I be funded at a sessional and an integrated program?
No. You can only be funded at one kindergarten program. If you wish your child to attend a local sessional kindergarten, they will be in the Honeyeater room.
Can my child still attend the Centre however not be a funded child?
Of course, however they will not have access to our kindergarten program, this will be specifically designed for the children who are enrolled. They will be in the Honeyeater Room.
What is the ‘Free kinder’ that I have heard about?
The State Government announced ‘Best Start, Best Life’ reforms in 2023 and beyond, this means that you have $2,050 deducted from your GAP fee over the school year. In the past, we have applied this to accounts evenly each month between February to November. This benefit is only provided whilst the Government has approved the policy and is subject to change with policy. If we receive information that this Government funding will not continue you will be the first to know.
Hopefully, we have answered some of your question however feel free to email us on management@songbirdelc.com.au and we can give you a call at a time that is convenient for you.
Thank you for taking your time to read this and we hope it has helped in your decision.